Nostalgia Hill Walk

This year we would like you to consider exchanging your running shoes for your walking boots for the Nostalgia event in July as we run the event as a sponsored walk for the first time.

More details will be announced in due course but we are very excited to be hosting this event to raise vital funds for our Centre.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all the huge support that has been shown for the Hill Race in the past, it has been a truly wonderful fundraising event for the Bridgend for past 17 years and we have hugely enjoyed hosting it. Now we are very excited to see it in its new incarnation as a walk and we hope that many people in the community get involved.

Bridging Social Isolation No 72

A bit early this week, but please find a link to tomorrow’s edition of ‘Bridging Social Isolation’ to download from our website.
There is no escaping the fact that world events are currently very concerning. It can certainly be a difficult balance to keep ourselves informed with the news without becoming immersed in it.
With all this in mind, we have been discussing ways that we cope in times like these and have decided to dedicate this edition to relaxation and calm.
We hope you enjoy the newsletter and that we see you at the Bridgend for a cup of tea and a chat very soon.

Support for Ukraine

You may be wondering how to support the Ukrainian people in this dreadful time of crisis. There are a number of ways you can do this:

Here in Bollington, there is a collection point at Knowles Green (114 Wellington Road). They are looking for specific items such as blankets, towels, sanitary products, nappies and certain toiletries. These items will be taken to Bury Polish Club, where they will be taken to the Polish-Ukrainian border (see poster for more details).

There is also a collection point in Macclesfield. Details can be found here:

Alternatively, organisations such as the British Red Cross, UNICEF and Doctors without Borders are working in the region and currently have appeals for donations on their websites.

We will keep you posted on our website and social media pages of any other initiatives in the local area as we become aware of them.

Cancelled car wash

Unfortunately the Car Wash on the Rec will not be on tomorrow due to a shortage of available workers, but it will be on next week (8th Feb). Apologies for any inconvenience caused.