Woodcraft Tutor

The Bridgend Centre is looking for someone to teach wood work and woodcraft to very small classes in our workshop on a self-employed basis. If you are interested or if you know someone who may be, please email info@bridgendcentre.org.uk for more information.

Bollington Walkers are Welcome

Did you know that the Bollington is a ‘Walkers are welcome’ town?

Walkers are welcome is a nationwide initiative launched in 2007 to be ‘welcoming to walkers’. They have enabled the development of over 100 accredited Towns and Villages members to assist with their communities’ economic, physical, health and mental well-being through walking. Bollington has had Walkers are Welcome accreditation since 2013 and the Bridgend Centre is now instrumental in its running.

If you are a local business and would like to promote this initiative, we have window stickers you can display at your premises. Please do drop us a line for yours.

Information and support over the festive period

The festive period isn’t always easy for everyone and many people can be lonely and struggle at this time of year. This year will be no exception and possibly be worse for many, with extra isolation, worry and stress to deal with on top of the usual pressure to ‘have a good time’.

You can download this newsletter from our website for information on what events are happening in our area over the period: https://bridgendcentre.org.uk/sdm_downloads/5607/It details many of the Christmas dinners, food and gift giveaways and support you can access over the festive period.

The Bridgend Centre will be open for a cuppa and a chat next week on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th December (Covid restrictions permitting).

Winter prize draw

We are really excited about our Winter Prize Draw which we hope will raise lots of money to support the day to day running of the Bridgend Centre. The Bridgend aims to be the heart of our community and be there for everyone who lives here, but we particularly help those who are vulnerable or need a bit of support.

We have been donated some AMAZING prizes by local businesses and we can’t thank them enough for their contribution. The prizes are listed below.

Tickets are £5 each and you can purchase them from here: https://app.galabid.com/winterprizedraw2021 . We do hope you get involved and buy a ticket or two! Thank you.

Bridgend chosen for the Co-op Community Fund—your help needed!

Great news! The Bridgend Centre has been chosen as a co-op community cause for their next round of funding from 24th October 2021 to 22nd October 2022. We hope to use the money raised to create a relaxing and calming outdoor space next to the river to the rear of our Education Room. Thank you so much to the co-op for selecting us.

To help us with this, from 24th October onwards, please sign up as a co-op member, log-in into the website, click on ‘choose a local cause’ and select the Bridgend Centre. If you live more than 5 miles away from us, select to search for causes up to 15 miles distance from you.  Then remember to use your membership card every time you shop with the co-op!

You can find our cause directly by clicking on this link: https://co-operate.coop.co.uk/groups/bridgend-centre/

Thank you so much for your support.

The current Bridgend Community Centre outdoor space. Hopefully we will have more soon!

Survey on Bridgend services

We have a new survey regarding Bridgend services. By completing this survey you are helping the Bridgend Centre to ensure that our services meet the needs of our community. It will also help us to shape our services in the future and to allow us to demonstrate to funders that our services are vital to our community. To complete the survey please click here. Thank you!