White Nancy Walk

The Bridgend Centre in partnership with Walkers are Welcome and the Discovery Centre have developed a free walking leaflet to show the route up White Nancy and back to Bollington. Please do pop in to pick up your free copy from either Bridgend or the Discovery Centre.


Mindfulness Group

Our Mindfulness group meets on Mondays. This week the group discussed a ‘full mind versus a mindful mind’. We can operate in ‘autopilot’ too much of the time and this can mean we miss out on the here and now, on life as it is being lived. The group also meditated and shared the poem ‘Mindful’ by Mary Oliver.



Every day I see or hear something that more or less

kills me with delight, that leaves me like a needle

in the haystack of light. It was what I was born for – to look, to listen

to lose myself inside this soft world – to instruct myself over and over

in joy, and acclamation. Nor am I talking about the exceptional

the fearful, the dreadful, the very extravagant – but of the ordinary, the common, the very drab

the daily presentations. Oh, good scholar, I say to myself, how can you help

but grow wise with such teachings as these – the untrimmable light

of the world, the ocean’s shine, the prayers that are made out of grass?

~ Mary Oliver ~

Walk on 4th February

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On Saturday 4th February, Ed will be leading our monthly long walk from Bridgend. We will be walking up to White Nancy, along Kerridge Ridge to the fields around Swanscoe and returning via Macclesfield Canal. The walk is 7.5 miles and will include a lunch stop, so bring your sandwiches. £3.