Bridgend Centre – Statement on Coronavirus situation 17th March 2020

After careful consideration we feel that it is our responsibility to take action to minimise the risk to our visitors against the serious illness COVID-19 (caused by the Coronavirus).

All Bridgend activities, groups, walks plus the community kitchen will be suspended. The Bridgend Buddies service will continue over the telephone in order to minimise loneliness of those we support as much as possible.

We are currently reviewing the situation regarding the Charity Shop but it will not be open on Wednesday 18th March. Any updates on this will be on our website and Facebook page. We apologise for the uncertainty around this but this situation is very unique.  

We feel that it is our responsibility to encourage all visitors to follow government guidelines and not to visit the Centre if they are vulnerable or unwell. We would also remind them to regularly wash their hands.

We have every intention to continue supporting the community as much as we can, while we can. While the shop is open Community Workers will be available at the Centre for support or to provide signposting information over the telephone.

A lot of our volunteers are over 70 or choosing to self-isolate so our services could become more stretched going forward so please bear with us as we handle this unprecedented situation.

Re-opening date 18th March 2020

We are pleased to confirm that we plan for the Bridgend Centre to re-open on Wednesday 18th March 2020.

Our time at the Pavilion to the Bridgend Centre will end on Friday 28th February.

The Community Car Wash will continue as normal each Wednesday at the Recreation Ground and on Wednesday 4th and 11th March the Bridgend Guided Walk will start and finish at the Pavilion. All other activities will be suspended until the 16th March.

We would be very grateful to receive donations for the Charity Shop from Monday 9th March. We will confirm the drop-off point for this nearer the time, but please, we won’t be able to accept larger items such as furniture, bikes, roof racks etc.
Your continued support has been amazing and we are so excited to be welcoming you back to the Bridgend when it re-opens. Thank you so much for your patience.

See you on the 16th March!

Roof back on

Wow, its been quite an amazing few weeks for the Bridgend Centre. Our flat roof was stripped off, many of the steel beams replaced or strengthened, walls knocked down and replaced plus much more. This is a huge area (280 metres squared) so it has been quite a project, but the roof is now on!

We still have a way to go to re-wire and replace the interiors but we hope to be open in 2-3 weeks time, all being well. We will post updates here and on our website, including when we will be accepting donations for the shop again.

Thank you so much for your patience and we are really, really looking forward to re-opening and seeing you all soon! ❤️❤️❤️

Fantastic News – Bridgend Buddies

Fantastic News – The Bridgend Centre has been awarded £9805 from the National Lottery Community Fund to continue our Bridgend Buddies project for another year.

This allows us to continue delivering this vital service to our community, reducing loneliness and improving people’s lives.

Thank you to the Lottery and everyone who buys a ticket.

Bollington Walking Festival temporarily hanging up its boots for 2020

The Committee of the Bollington Walking Festival have made the decision to have a break from the event this year (2020).

The event has run very successfully for ten consecutive years now and we feel that it is a good time to have a break from the event, come up with some fresh ideas and recruit new people to contribute and make a difference to the event in future years. We want to stress that this is purely for 2020 and we will definitely be back in 2021, hopefully as good as ever, if not better!