The outside world gathers momentum as social distancing measures are lifted, and at the same time some support and shielding grind to a halt. For people who were shielding this means a sudden dramatic shift from a degree of security to being left to your own devices. The safety barrier has been lifted and it feels strange, scary and rather worrying.
Thoughts that may cross your mind are my local shop delivery services going to cease? When I do venture into a place, am I getting left behind?
Join our chat group for former shielders in order to spend time with others who are sharing this experience. We could perhaps share ways to overcome the fears and obstacles. Join the Zoom chat on Thursday 13th August at 2pm to see how together we can move from a feeling of disconnect to reconnect
To register email Claire before 5pm Tuesday 11th August, at happyvalleyvoice@gmail.com. Or phone the Bridgend on 01625 576311 to book your place if you do not have the internet.