We can now claim gift aid on donations sold through our shop. Therefore if you are a UK tax payer, we could claim an extra 25% on your donations that we sell. Please ask about how to do this when you come in.
Author: Rebecca Lea
Halloween Ghost Walk
New Defibrillator at Bridgend
The next new public access defibrillator outside Bridgend is now installed and ready to use. A massive thanks to the Bollington Real Ale Ramblers and the Church House Inn for the funding for this unit. Pictured is Chris from the Church House and the Bollington Real Ale Ramblers handing over the unit to Becky from the Bridgend Centre.
A big thank you to the Poachers Inn
Bridgend Walkers’ Cafe
The Bridgend Walker’s Cafe is now ready for business! The Walking Festival starts tomorrow and there are loads of fab walks taking place over the next nine days. We have lots of hot drinks and cake available in the cafe, this weekend we have a huge Parkin generously made and donated by Belfield’s. We look forward to seeing you 🙂
Bollington Walking Festival
We at Bridgend are very excited about the upcoming Bollington Walking Festival. Starting this Saturday 24th September, it runs for nine days and there are lots of walks for everyone, many of which start from the Bridgend Centre. Please see our events page to download a leaflet or pop in for a paper version!
Tour of Britain
We had a great day on Tuesday 6th September watching the Tour of Britain. Lots of people joined us to watch and our hot drinks and cake were very popular!