We are so thrilled that Ann Mayer has been awarded a ‘Medal of the British Empire’ in the New Year Honours list for services to Bollington (for setting up the Bridgend Centre). It couldn’t be more deserved and we want to thank Ann for her vision, hard work and dedication which has ensured that Bridgend is the valued resource it is today.
Author: Rebecca Lea
Christmas Opening 2017
Bridgend contemplation garden
We are really pleased with our new decking at the back of the Bridgend Centre. It has created a wondeful space for our community to use and it will be a lovely contemplation garden come next Summer! A massive thank you to Tesco #bagsofhelp, Cheshire East Connected Communities, Bollington Town Council and East Cheshire Joinery for making it possible.
Memorial bench on Gilchrist Avenue
We were so pleased to be invited to the unveiling of the bench in memory of Louise Booth on Gilchrist Avenue last Friday. Louise made such a valuable contribution to the community there so it was a huge honour for our woodcraft team to make the bench. Pictured is Louise’s husband Ron and Louis Haughty from Bridgend.
Building work at Bridgend week of 20th Nov
Next week (w/c 20/11/17), work is starting to the rear of Bridgend (yey!) and we will be using our space outside the Centre to store a skip/van. Therefore, the car parking space will not be useable for the week. You will however still be able to park on the street or in Pool Bank car park in the usual way. Thank you for your patience.
‘Bridgend Buddies’ wanted
Fundraising Folk Night
Tesco Bags of Help
The Bridgend Centre are very pleased to tell you that we have been awarded the full £4,000 by the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ scheme to contribute towards a new Bridgend Contemplation Garden at the rear of the Centre. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported us by voting for us in Tesco stores in July and August.