Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the Bridgend Centre has had to cancel the George Borowski concert this coming Saturday night (21st April). We are so sorry for any inconvenience caused. If you have a ticket, please contact us to arrange a full refund on 01625 576311 or info@bridgendcentre.org.uk.
Author: Rebecca Lea
Easter opening hours
The Bridgend Bridge Club…coming soon!
New walk timetables
Our new walk timetables have been finalised and we are waiting for the printed versions to arrive at the Centre. However in the meantime if you can’t wait for your copies, you can download them from this website today. Go to ‘Our Services’, then ‘Walks’ to find the right page.
Easter Bank Holiday opening hours
Carwash cancelled 28.02.18
Due to unsuitable weather conditions, the decision has been made to cancel the carwash this week. Normal service will be resumed on march 15th.
George Borowski fundraising gig at Bridgend
The Bridgend Centre on MyDonate
The Bridgend Centre is now registered on the ‘MyDonate’ website. Therefore if you fancy doing a charity challenge this year and are looking for a charity to donate to, we would greatly appreciate your support.