Bridgend Health and Wellbeing survey

As a charity we are reliant on funding for much of our income and therefore to be successful in applying for grants it is important that we are able to demonstrate the benefits of our services to the community.
Therefore we have devised the following survey to assess the benefits of our services in relation to people’s health and wellbeing. If you use our services, we would greatly appreciate it if you could complete and submit the survey so we can assess and measure the impact we have.

Bollington Nostaglia Hill Race 2018

A massive thank you goes to everyone who supported the Bridgend Centre yesterday with the Nostalgia Hill Race. So many runners and volunteers got involved, it really was a fantastic day.

The results are now available to download from this website.

We are also sharing photos to a Google Drive as we get them.

Royal London volunteers

Thank you so much to the team of volunteers from Royal London who helped us last Friday with painting the walls of our new contemplation garden and sorting the shop. We had great fun and also got lots of work done at the same time!