New Heritage Trails Project Worker joins our team

We are very excited to welcome Victoria Scholes to the Bridgend staff team. Victoria will be managing the Heritage Trail project which aims to refresh eight of our lovely walking trails and to create internet friendly versions of them. If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please drop Victoria a line on for more information

Co-Op Local Community Fund

Fantastic news – the Bridgend Centre has been chosen for the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund.

The funding round will start this Sunday, 28 October 2018. From this date, Co-op Members can choose our cause to give their 1% to when they spend on selected own-brand products and services. We would love it if you chose the Bridgend Centre as your cause.

The funding period will run for 12 months until the 26 October 2019.

Thank you so much to the Co-Op for all the support you give us.

Garfield Weston Anniversary Fund – News

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that the Bridgend Centre has been awarded a grant of £150,000 from the Garfield Weston Foundation to help us to purchase our building. Buying the building will strengthen the future of our organisation and help to ensure that we are here for many more years to come. Thank you so much to the Garfield Weston Foundation, words aren’t enough to say what a difference this makes to us . For more information see attached link:

Bollington Community Association


Bridgend Annual Report 2017-2018

Our Annual Report for 2017-2018 is now available to download from here:

We are really pleased with this report, particularly the ‘How did we do’ pages, which clearly illustrates the value Bridgend adds to the community