Booking open for Derbyshire Bridge walk in June

The leaflet of Bridgend walks for April to June are now available at the Bridgend Centre. The walks are also detailed in our calendar online.

The Saturday walk in June is from Derbyshire Bridge and we will be travelling by the Rainow Community bus. If you’d like to book a place, please follow this link:

Tickets are £5

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at the Bridgend Centre!

2018 has been an amazing year for Bridgend, with the purchase of our building, three new members of staff, a new project to revamp our walking trails and funding to significantly extend the reach of our Bridgend Buddies project. Therefore 2019 looks set to be an equally exciting year with lots of developments in the pipeline.

December marked the retirement of our much-loved colleague Tricia Hodgskiss. She will be sadly missed but will be enjoying a well-deserved retirement.

Thank you so much to our staff, volunteers, trustees and supporters for everything you do all year round, we really couldn’t do it without you. Wishing you a wonderful festive period and see you in the New Year.