Creative crafts are having a catch-up on Zoom! We will be chatting about the projects we have been working on over the last few months and getting ideas for new ones.
We will also be discussing a new very exciting project, the Bridgend Birthday Bunting! More information on which will be available over the next few weeks.
Free of charge, just email Avril for a place at
From Monday 14th September, the Bridgend charity shop will be open Monday to Friday 10-4 and Saturday 10-1. This gives you even more opportunities to come and find a bargain!
Donations are still by appointment only please (book your slot on the front page of this site.)
Restricted in numbers in order to keep us safe, we are delighted that our Wednesday walks are setting off once more. We will be exploring the usual areas of Bollington, along the old faithful routes and maybe some new paths too. The routes and details will be posted for each week on the calendar of our website. Advanced booking will be required.
Obviously, the walks will be different to before in order to keep everyone safe. We will be limiting numbers and maintaining social distancing along the way. As places will be very limited it may not be possible to come on every walk.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented and challenging time.
The outside world gathers momentum as social distancing measures are lifted, and at the same time some support and shielding grind to a halt. For people who were shielding this means a sudden dramatic shift from a degree of security to being left to your own devices. The safety barrier has been lifted and it feels strange, scary and rather worrying.
Thoughts that may cross your mind are my local shop delivery services going to cease? When I do venture into a place, am I getting left behind?
Join our chat group for former shielders in order to spend time with others who are sharing this experience. We could perhaps share ways to overcome the fears and obstacles. Join the Zoom chat on Thursday 13th August at 2pm to see how together we can move from a feeling of disconnect to reconnect
To register email Claire before 5pm Tuesday 11th August, at Or phone the Bridgend on 01625 576311 to book your place if you do not have the internet.
The Bridgend Centre are proud to announce their latest publication – Bridgend Tree Trails. These four walks, all starting and finishing at the Bridgend Centre can be walked individually or in combination to create a 14-mile loop around Bollington.
Originally set up by the Bridgend around 9 years ago, the walks have been checked and routes revised with input from local artists, photographers and Bollington graphic designer Pete Thorpe of Visual Machine.
There will soon be a downloadable version with children’s activity sheets on the website but in the meantime, you can pick up one of these lovely booklets for a suggested donation of £1 from the Bridgend Centre and get out and about following the new markers in the warm weather this weekend and beyond!
The winner of both our under-16 category and highest male ascent, Eddie Mackintosh, shares his running experience and has a few handy tips on where to train on hills around Bollington!
My name is Eddie I’m 14, I ran the virtual Bollington Nostalgia Race on the 3rd of July and targeted the ascent challenge, I first heard about the virtual races thanks to a flier that was on the front of the Co-Op. I had decided to take part as I was beginning to feel a lack of motivation due to having no competitions in my main sport (canoe slalom) for over 4 months. It was my first interaction that I have had with the Bridgend Centre and the first time I had competed in the Bollington Nostalgia race. I started running back in 2019 doing the Macclesfield Park Run but only started increasing my distance since February this year averaging between 40-50 kilometres a week.
The route I took for the run I found to be very challenging with over 540m of ascent. Furthermore, the weather didn’t help my pace, leading to me tripping on the descent of Nab Head (the first hill of the route), however it was a fun route with some good climbs. The advice I have for anyone trying to get into running is you must start small and slowly build up, don’t go out hard on all of your runs or you’ll burn yourself out before you can properly get started and always listen to your body and if it hurts where it shouldn’t, take a break. Anyone training for hills, I would recommend to try and get to a certain level of fitness before getting the elevation, once you are ready the steeper the better. I would recommend Kerridge ridge, Nab Head and Bull Hill (other side of Rainow, above Penny Lane) to get started on. Then Bakestonedale, Sponds Hill and Andrews Knob for longer climbs over towards Lyme Park.
Due to social distancing measures still in place at the moment, Bridgefest has been rescheduled to 15th May 2021 in the hope that mass events will be ok by then and we will be able to celebrate in style.
We are so excited that our charity shop will be re-opening this coming Monday!
Things will be a little different in order to keep our staff, volunteers and customers as safe as possible such as restricted hours, a one way system, limited numbers and anti-bacterial gel throughout. Staff will keep you advised and full details are on our website.
We will be accepting donations of up to four bags or boxes by appointment only. Booking an appointment can be done quickly and easily on our website at