Bollington Walkers are Welcome

Over the Canal

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We are pleased to announce that the organisation of Bollington Walkers are Welcome has now been taken on by the Bridgend Centre.

Walkers are welcome is a  nationwide initiative launched in 2007 to be ‘welcoming to walkers’. They have enabled the development of over 100 accredited Towns and Villages members to assist with their communities’ economic, physical, health and mental well-being through walking. Bollington has had Walkers are Welcome accreditation since 2013.

The Bollington Walkers are welcome organising team is made up of Rebecca Lea as Chair, Chris Brear as Secretary, Jo Maitland as Treasurer and Cate Wallace.  

The Bridgend Centre has two ranges of walking trails; the Bridgend Heritage Trails and Bridgend Tree trails.   These are now available as very attractive leaflets and also to download online. We also run weekly guided walks to encourage people to get out walking.

Looking ahead WaW have plans to launch a town walking trail linking the new Historic Plaques which are currently being installed by the Civic Society.  The first plaque is already in place at Ingersley Vale mill and will soon be followed by another 10 to mark significant landmarks in our industrial heritage.  They have also established a link with the new Public Rights of Way officer for Cheshire East and look forward to liaising with her on footpath issues.