Automatic door

We are thrilled with our shiny, new door at the side of our building which is now the main entrance to our Centre. It is an automatic door so hopefully it will make the entrance safer for our visitors and the building warmer over the coming winter months.

Huge thanks to our funders the Russell Trust and the Green Hall Foundation for making this possible.

New door

For one day only, our main entrance at the side of the building will be out of use as we have a new door installed. Please use the door to reception instead.

Thank you for your understanding.

Online life skills survey

We are considering running a project to support people with ‘online life skills’, such as online banking, booking appointments at the GP, booking tickets plus much more. However, we need your help to identify whether this is something people would benefit from and what areas they need help with most.

To help us to do this, we would really appreciate it if you could complete a survey by following this link: