Our Community Kitchen and drop-in area is a welcoming environment. There may be many reasons why someone may pop into our drop-in, whether they live alone, wish to meet new friends or just to fill some time but people come here at any time during our opening hours and are welcomed by our staff, volunteers and/or other Bridgend visitors.
It is the aim of the Centre to make people feel a part of the community, by offering a warm and friendly environment. People are able to just sit and chat or take part in various activities or classes. For many, it is difficult to take the first step back into the community, which is why we always have community workers on hand to offer a welcoming smile and spend time listening and talking to everyone who walks in through the door.
For many, the Centre is seen as a lifeline and their only contact with others takes place here. Joining in community activities enables people to feel that they have a valuable role to play in society.
Information and advice
There is lots of information and advice available at Bridgend. We have an ‘information hub’ with lots of leaflets and material regarding local services and support organisations, tourist and heritage information. Our community workers are on hand to point people in the right direction if they need some information and advice and are also there for someone to talk to if they have any issues in their lives that they need assistance with. Whilst we are not trained counsellors or qualified advisors in specific areas, we can offer ‘a listening ear’ and point people in the right direction if they need more specialist advice, for example in areas such as welfare benefits, debt, counselling, or health services.