Exciting new initiative at Bridgend

What do you do with a broken toaster? Or with a bike when the wheel runs out of true? Or with a sweater full of moth holes? Bin it? No way! A Repair Cafe is about ‘repairing broken items together, to get advice and inspiration’.

The Bollington Repair Cafe starts on Saturday 17th June at 10:00am. Various volunteer repair experts will be available to help make all possible repairs free of charge. Tools and materials will also be on hand. People visiting the Repair Café will bring along their broken items from home. Toasters, lamps, hair dryers, clothes, bikes, toys, crockery… anything that is broken is welcome. And can more than likely be repaired. The Repair Café specialists almost always have the know-how.

White Nancy Walk

The Bridgend Centre in partnership with Walkers are Welcome and the Discovery Centre have developed a free walking leaflet to show the route up White Nancy and back to Bollington. Please do pop in to pick up your free copy from either Bridgend or the Discovery Centre.
